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PyGRB is a package to download gamma-ray burst (GRB) .FITS files from the relevant data archives (eg. NASA HEARSAC). At the moment only BATSE data can be downloaded and analysed with the software, although with only slight tweaks GRBs from other satellites can be easily analysed. The code is then able to create light-curves from either pre-binned data or time-tagged photon-event data. Light-curves may then be fitted with with pulse models, for further analysis. Model fitting is done with nested sampling, powered by Bilby, and Dynesty and/or Nestle.


The PyGRB repository maybe be installed manually through cloning the repository

$ git clone
$ cd PyGRB
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install .

or by downloading the compiled version from PyPI

$ pip install pygrb

Installation of PyGRB and its dependencies should take no longer than a couple of minutes.

Then import PyGRB through import PyGRB.


Running PyGRB will implicitly import Bilby, which is used for Bayesian inference. Since Bilby is primarily used for gravitational wave inference, importing Bilby will check for installations of gwpy and lalsuite, resulting in the following warnings if they are not installed.

13:23 bilby WARNING : You do not have gwpy installed currently. You will  not be able to use some of the prebuilt functions.
13:23 bilby WARNING : You do not have lalsuite installed currently. You will not be able to use some of the prebuilt functions.
13:23 bilby WARNING : You do not have gwpy installed currently. You will  not be able to use some of the prebuilt functions.
13:23 bilby WARNING : You do not have lalsuite installed currently. You will not be able to use some of the prebuilt functions.
13:23 bilby WARNING : You do not have gwpy installed currently. You will  not be able to use some of the prebuilt functions.
13:23 bilby WARNING : You do not have lalsuite installed currently. You will not be able to use some of the prebuilt functions.
13:23 bilby WARNING : You do not have lalsuite installed currently. You will not be able to use some of the prebuilt functions.

This has no effect on running of PyGRB.