GRB 950830 Nature script

BATSE trigger 3770 with FRED lens fit.

BATSE trigger 3770 with FRED lens fit.
import sys, os
import argparse

from PyGRB.main.fitpulse import PulseFitter
from PyGRB.backend.makemodels import create_model_from_key

def main_two_pulse_models():
    """ These are the most relevant models to the analysis of GRB 950830. """
    lens_keys = ['FL', 'FsL', 'XL', 'XsL']
    null_keys = ['FF', 'FsFs', 'XX', 'XsXs']
    keys = lens_keys + null_keys

    model_dict = {}
    for key in keys:
        model_dict[key] = create_model_from_key(key)
    return model_dict

def load_3770(sampler = 'dynesty', nSamples = 100, **kwargs):
    test = PulseFitter(3770, times = (-.1, 1),
                datatype = 'tte', nSamples = nSamples, sampler = sampler,
                priors_pulse_start = -.1, priors_pulse_end = 0.5,
                priors_td_lo = 0.2,  priors_td_hi = 0.5, **kwargs)
    return test

def analysis_for_3770(indices):
    """ Use this function to send each job permutation to a different CPU. """
    num_samples = [500, 2000, 4500]
    for samples in num_samples:
        GRB = load_3770(sampler = SAMPLER, nSamples = samples)
        GRB.offsets = [0, 4000, 8000, -3000]

        model_dict = main_two_pulse_models()
        models = [model for key, model in model_dict.items()]

        GRB._split_array_job_to_4_channels( models   = models,
                                            indices  = indices,
                                            channels = channels)

def evidence_for_3770(**kwargs):
    num_samples = [500, 2000, 4500]
    for samples in num_samples:
        GRB = load_3770(sampler = SAMPLER, nSamples = samples, **kwargs)
        GRB.offsets = [0, 4000, 8000, -3000]

        model_dict = main_two_pulse_models()
        models = [model for key, model in model_dict.items()]

        for model in models:
            GRB.get_residuals(channels = [0, 1, 2, 3], model = model)
            lens_bounds = [(0.37, 0.42), (0.60, 1.8)]
            GRB.lens_calc(model = model, lens_bounds = lens_bounds)
        GRB.get_evidence_from_models(model_dict = model_dict)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(   description = 'Core bilby wrapper')
    parser.add_argument('--HPC', action = 'store_true',
                        help = 'Are you running this on a cluster?')
    parser.add_argument('-i', '--indices', type=int, nargs='+',
                        help='an integer for indexing model/channel')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    HPC = args.HPC

    if not HPC:
        # run the later analysis on a local machine
        from matplotlib import rc
        rc('font', **{'family': 'DejaVu Sans',
                    'serif': ['Computer Modern'],'size': 8})
        rc('text', usetex=True)
        SAMPLER = 'Nestle'
        # analysis_for_3770(np.arange(32))
        evidence_for_3770(HPC = HPC)

        # run the nested sampling on a cluster
        # the indices allow each model/channel to be run simultaneously on
        # different machines. See the slurm scripts for examples
        SAMPLER = 'dynesty'