GRB 950830 priors

Investigation of the effects of priors on model selection

In the following script we test the effect of the priors on \(\gamma\) and \(\nu\) on the model selection.

To compare the same model with different prior ranges, such as over a longer time period, then save the two models in the dict under different names, eg.

keys = [key_1, key_2]
model_dict['model 1'] = create_model_from_key(key_1)
model_dict['model 2'] = create_model_from_key(key_2)
models = [model for key, model in model_dict.items()]

This is utlised in the prior test script below.
import sys, os
import time
import argparse
import numpy as np

from bilby.core.prior import Uniform          as bilbyUniform
from bilby.core.prior import DeltaFunction    as bilbyDeltaFunction
from bilby.core.prior import Gaussian         as bilbyGaussian

from PyGRB.main.fitpulse import PulseFitter
from PyGRB.backend.makemodels import create_model_from_key
from PyGRB.backend.makemodels import make_two_pulse_models

def run_log_flat_priors(    indices,

    directory_labels = [    'small_box_log_flat_nr',

    prior_sets       = [{   'priors_gamma_min': 1e-1, ## generic
                            'priors_gamma_max': 1e1,
                            'priors_nu_min'   : 1e-1,
                            'priors_nu_max'   : 1e1},
                        {   'priors_gamma_min': 1e-2,
                            'priors_gamma_max': 1e2,
                            'priors_nu_min'   : 1e-2,
                            'priors_nu_max'   : 1e2},
                        {   'priors_gamma_min': 1e-3,
                            'priors_gamma_max': 1e3,
                            'priors_nu_min'   : 1e-3,
                            'priors_nu_max'   : 1e3   }]

    for ii, prior_set in enumerate(prior_sets):
        if not test:
            GRB_wrap = PulseFitter(3770, times = (-.1, 1),
                        datatype = 'tte', nSamples = nSamples, sampler = SAMPLER,
                        priors_pulse_start = -.1, priors_pulse_end = 0.6,
                        priors_td_lo = 0,  priors_td_hi = 0.5,
                        directory_label = directory_labels[ii],

            GRB_wrap.offsets = [0, 4000, 8000, -3000]
            print('Currently running log-flat priors')
        model_dict = {}
        for key in model_keys:
            model_dict[key] = create_model_from_key(key,
                        custom_name = f'{key}_{directory_labels[ii]}')
        models = [model for key, model in model_dict.items()]

        indx = np.intersect1d(indices,
            np.arange(n_per_split * ii, n_per_split * (ii + 1))) % n_per_split

        ## given 2 models and 4 channels should be passed indx in [0-7]
        if not test:
            GRB_wrap._split_array_job_to_4_channels(models   = models,
                                                    indices  = indx,
                                                    channels = channels)

def run_flat_priors(    indices,

    directory_labels = [    'small_box_flat_nr',
    prior_sets       = [{   'priors_gamma_min': 1e-1, ## generic
                            'priors_gamma_max': 1e1,
                            'priors_nu_min'   : 1e-1,
                            'priors_nu_max'   : 1e1},
                        {   'priors_gamma_min': 1e-2,
                            'priors_gamma_max': 1e2,
                            'priors_nu_min'   : 1e-2,
                            'priors_nu_max'   : 1e2},
                        {   'priors_gamma_min': 1e-3,
                            'priors_gamma_max': 1e3,
                            'priors_nu_min'   : 1e-3,
                            'priors_nu_max'   : 1e3   }]

    for ii, prior_set in enumerate(prior_sets):
        if not test:
            GRB_wrap = PulseFitter(3770, times = (-.1, 1),
                        datatype = 'tte', nSamples = nSamples, sampler = SAMPLER,
                        priors_pulse_start = -.1, priors_pulse_end = 0.6,
                        priors_td_lo = 0,  priors_td_hi = 0.5,
                        directory_label = directory_labels[ii])

            GRB_wrap.offsets = [0, 4000, 8000, -3000]
            print('Currently running flat priors')
        model_dict = {}
        for key in model_keys:
            model_dict[key] = create_model_from_key(key,
                        custom_name = f'{key}_{directory_labels[ii]}')
        models = [model for key, model in model_dict.items()]
        for mm, model in enumerate(models):
            if not test:
                overwrite_priors = dict()
                for n in range(1, GRB_wrap.num_pulses + 1):
                    for k in ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']:
                        overwrite_priors[f'gamma_{n}_{k}'] = bilbyUniform(
                        latex_label=f'$\\gamma_{n} {k}$', unit=' ')
                        overwrite_priors[f'nu_{n}_{k}'] = bilbyUniform(
                        latex_label=f'$\\nu_{n} {k}$', unit=' ')
                GRB_wrap.overwrite_priors = overwrite_priors

            loop_idx = np.arange(8 * ii + 4 * mm, 8 * ii + 4 * (mm + 1))
            if test:
                print(ii, mm)
                print('loop_idx = ', loop_idx)
            indx = np.intersect1d(indices, loop_idx) % 4
            if not test:
                GRB_wrap._split_array_job_to_4_channels(models = [model],
                    indices = indx, channels = channels)
                print('index passed = ', indx)

def run_delta_priors(   indices,
    directory_label = 'delta_nr'
    if not test:
        GRB_wrap = PulseFitter(3770, times = (-.1, 1),
                    datatype = 'tte', nSamples = nSamples, sampler = SAMPLER,
                    priors_pulse_start = -.1, priors_pulse_end = 0.6,
                    priors_td_lo = 0,  priors_td_hi = 0.5,
                    directory_label = directory_label)
        GRB_wrap.offsets = [0, 4000, 8000, -3000]
        print('Currently running delta function priors')
    model_dict = {}
    for key in model_keys:
        model_dict[key] = create_model_from_key(key,
                    custom_name = f'{key}_{directory_label}')
    models = [model for key, model in model_dict.items()]
    for mm, model in enumerate(models):
        if not test:
            overwrite_priors = dict()
            for n in range(1, GRB_wrap.num_pulses + 1):
                for k in ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']:

                    overwrite_priors[f'gamma_{n}_{k}'] = bilbyDeltaFunction(
                            1,  latex_label = f'$\\gamma$ {n} {k}')

                    overwrite_priors[f'nu_{n}_{k}'] = bilbyDeltaFunction(
                            1,     latex_label = f'$\\nu$ {n} {k}')
            GRB_wrap.overwrite_priors = overwrite_priors

        loop_idx = np.arange(4 *  mm, 4 * (mm + 1))
        if test:
            print('loop_idx = ', loop_idx)
        indx = np.intersect1d(indices, loop_idx) % 4
        if not test:
            GRB_wrap._split_array_job_to_4_channels(models = [model],
                indices = indx, channels = channels)
            print('index passed = ', indx)

def run_gaussian_priors(    indices,
    directory_label = 'gaussian_nr'
    if not test:
        GRB_wrap = PulseFitter(3770, times = (-.1, 1),
                    datatype = 'tte', nSamples = nSamples, sampler = SAMPLER,
                    priors_pulse_start = -.1, priors_pulse_end = 0.6,
                    priors_td_lo = 0,  priors_td_hi = 0.5,
                    directory_label = directory_label)
        GRB_wrap.offsets = [0, 4000, 8000, -3000]
        print('Currently running Gaussian priors')
    model_dict = {}
    for key in model_keys:
        model_dict[key] = create_model_from_key(key,
                    custom_name = f'{key}_{directory_label}')
    models = [model for key, model in model_dict.items()]
    for mm, model in enumerate(models):
        if not test:
            overwrite_priors = dict()
            for n in range(1, GRB_wrap.num_pulses + 1):
                overwrite_priors[f'gamma_{n}_a'] = bilbyGaussian(
                    mu = 0.7, sigma = 2.5,  latex_label = f'$\\gamma$ {n} a')
                overwrite_priors[f'gamma_{n}_b'] = bilbyGaussian(
                    mu = 0.3, sigma = 0.4,  latex_label = f'$\\gamma$ {n} b')
                overwrite_priors[f'gamma_{n}_c'] = bilbyGaussian(
                    mu = 0.38, sigma = 0.3, latex_label = f'$\\gamma$ {n} c')
                overwrite_priors[f'gamma_{n}_d'] = bilbyGaussian(
                    mu = 0.5, sigma = 5,    latex_label = f'$\\gamma$ {n} d')
                overwrite_priors[f'nu_{n}_a'] = bilbyGaussian(
                    mu = 2, sigma = 2,      latex_label = f'$\\nu$ {n} a')
                overwrite_priors[f'nu_{n}_b'] = bilbyGaussian(
                    mu = 3.3, sigma = 1.2,  latex_label = f'$\\nu$ {n} b')
                overwrite_priors[f'nu_{n}_c'] = bilbyGaussian(
                    mu = 2.74, sigma = 0.8, latex_label = f'$\\nu$ {n} c')
                overwrite_priors[f'nu_{n}_d'] = bilbyGaussian(
                    mu = 2.7, sigma = 5,    latex_label = f'$\\nu$ {n} d')
            GRB_wrap.overwrite_priors = overwrite_priors

        loop_idx = np.arange(4 * mm, 4 * (mm + 1))
        if test:
            print('loop_idx = ', loop_idx)
        indx = np.intersect1d(indices, loop_idx) % 4
        if not test:
            GRB_wrap._split_array_job_to_4_channels(models = [model],
                indices = indx, channels = channels)
            print('index passed = ', indx)

def analysis_for_3770(indices, test):
    if not test:
        iddy = indices[0]
        time.sleep(iddy * 100)

    nSamples    = 2000
    model_keys  = ['XsL', 'XsXs']
    channels    = [0, 1, 2, 3]
    n_per_split = len(model_keys) * len(channels)

    current_idx = 0
    end_idx     = current_idx + n_per_split * 3 # 3 prior sets for this function

    log_flat_indices = np.intersect1d(indices, np.arange(current_idx, end_idx))
    if len(log_flat_indices) > 0:
        print('Original indices passed to log-flat prior function: ', log_flat_indices)
        run_log_flat_priors(    log_flat_indices, model_keys, channels,
                                nSamples, n_per_split, test)

    current_idx  = end_idx
    end_idx      = current_idx + n_per_split * 3 # 3 prior sets for this function
    flat_indices = np.intersect1d(indices, np.arange(current_idx, end_idx))
    if len(flat_indices) > 0:
        print('Original indices passed to flat prior function: ', flat_indices)
        flat_indices -= current_idx # resets to 0-23 as per OG
        run_flat_priors(    flat_indices, model_keys, channels,
                            nSamples, n_per_split, test)

    current_idx   = end_idx
    end_idx       = current_idx + n_per_split * 1 # 1 prior set for this function
    delta_indices = np.intersect1d(indices, np.arange(current_idx, end_idx))
    if len(delta_indices) > 0:
        print('Original indices passed to delta prior function: ', delta_indices)
        delta_indices -= current_idx # resets to 0-8 as per OG
        run_delta_priors(   delta_indices, model_keys, channels,
                            nSamples, n_per_split, test)

    current_idx   = end_idx
    end_idx       = current_idx + n_per_split * 1 # 1 prior set for this function
    gauss_indices = np.intersect1d(indices, np.arange(current_idx, end_idx))
    if len(gauss_indices) > 0:
        print('Original indices passed to Gaussian prior function: ', gauss_indices)
        gauss_indices -= current_idx # resets to 0-8 as per OG
        run_gaussian_priors(gauss_indices, model_keys, channels,
                            nSamples, n_per_split, test)

def evidence_for_3770():
    nSamples    = 2000
    model_keys  = ['XsL', 'XsXs']
    channels    = [0, 1, 2, 3]

    directory_labels = [    'small_box_log_flat_nr',

    model_dict = {}
    for key in model_keys:
        for directory_label in directory_labels:
            m_key = f'{key}_{directory_label}'
            model_dict[m_key] = create_model_from_key(key,
                        custom_name = f'{key}_{directory_label}')

    models = [model for key, model in model_dict.items()]
    GRB = PulseFitter(3770, times = (-.1, 1),
            datatype = 'tte', nSamples = nSamples, sampler = SAMPLER,
            priors_pulse_start = -.1, priors_pulse_end = 0.6,
            priors_td_lo = 0,  priors_td_hi = 0.5)
    GRB.offsets = [0, 4000, 8000, -3000]

    for model in models:
        GRB.get_residuals(channels = [0, 1, 2, 3], model = model)
        GRB.lens_calc(channels = [0, 1, 2, 3], model = model)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(   description = 'Core bilby wrapper')
    parser.add_argument('--HPC', action = 'store_true',
                        help = 'Are you running this on SPARTAN ?')
    parser.add_argument('-i', '--indices', type=int, nargs='+',
                        help='an integer for indexing geomspace array')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    HPC = args.HPC

    if not HPC:
        from matplotlib import rc
        rc('font', **{'family': 'DejaVu Sans',
                    'serif': ['Computer Modern'],'size': 8})
        rc('text', usetex=True)
        SAMPLER = 'nestle'

        # run the later analysis on a local machine

        # run the nested sampling on a cluster
        # the indices allow each model/channel to be run simultaneously on
        # different machines. See the slurm scripts for examples
        SAMPLER = 'dynesty'